

“I try to use native plant material whenever possible.  I love the opportunity to combine stone, perennial wildflowers and ground-covers, ornamental grasses, native shrubs and trees in a landscape.”


Xeriscaping refers to gardening or landscaping in different ways that will reduce or eliminate the need for water from irrigation.  The concept of Xeriscape started right here in Colorado by a special task force of the Denver Water Department, Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, and Colorado State University.  Its purpose was to describe landscaping with water conservation as the major objective.


  • Lowers the use of ground water
  • Requires less time and work needed for maintenance
  • Can be visually more interesting than lawns
  • Can save you money
  • Leaves more water available for the environment

The need for Xeriscaping received new importance following the drought of 1977.  Sadly, over the years the concept of lush, water-wise Xeriscaping has been substituted by large amounts of plastic and gravel as an answer to water conservation.  This is not only unappealing to the eye but it also has damaging effects on surrounding trees and vegetation.   This is not Xeriscaping.

Xeriscaping is based on seven priciples:

  • Planning and designing
  • Limiting turf areas
  • Selecting and zoning plants appropriately
  • Improving the soil
  • Using mulch
  • Irrigating efficiently
  • Maintaining the landscape

Whether you are redesigning an old landscape or starting fresh, proper planning is the first step in any landscape project. Xeriscape is no exception.  Proper planning can save you valuable time and money in the long run.  Your landscape is an investment in the value of your property. If designed right, your Xeriscape  can be easy to care for as well as lush and colorful.

For more photos of our Xeriscape designs visit our Portfolio page.